The training course team at Fraunhofer IFAM

Dr. Heiko Bauknecht

Project Leader for the European Adhesive Engineer courses / Tutor at the Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology

Mobile +49 175 2633996

Image: Dr. Heiko Bauknecht
Dr. Heiko Bauknecht

Dr. Heiko Bauknecht has worked at Fraunhofer IFAM since 2009. Within the Training and Technology Transfer department he is project leader Project Leader for the DVS/EWF European Adhesive Engineer courses. His other tasks include:

  • Tutoring duties for the European Adhesive Specialist courses (German / English)
  • Providing tutoring assistance for the European Adhesive Bonder courses (German / English)
  • Providing tutoring assistance for the European Adhesive Engineer courses (German / English)
  • Holding special company seminars and training courses in Germany and abroad


Other activities of Heiko Bauknecht include:

  • Internal auditor at Fraunhofer IFAM
  • Consultancy in the area of adhesive bonding
  • Participation in industrial projects