Composite Engineer


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DIN 35255 defines standardised quality requirements for fibre composite plastic processes in companies.  The requirements for the qualification of composite specialists are now clearly defined for the first time.
The Composite Engineer is the appropriate qualification for composite supervisory personnel (CAP). This proof of qualification of specific knowledge is a prerequisite for managerial and supervisory activities to ensure the quality of fibre-reinforced plastics and applies across all industries. The Composite Engineer should be particularly active where clients or competent bodies require their deployment or where high demands are placed on the design of the FRP process and the structural design.

Since 2007, the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM has been offering training courses in fiber reinforced composites (FRC). The present new course combines the expertise of the leading institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft in the research field of lightweight construction in a modular training course to become a »Composite Engineer«. The course participants are trained on particular topics by scientists and engineers who are engaged in current, cutting-edge R&D work. This guarantees direct transfer of key knowledge and technology to industry.

Required knowledge for participation and objectives of the training course

Target groups are engineers and scientists in all disciplines and sectors of industry, and also qualified technical employees who either currently work with fiber composite materials or wish to do so in the future.

Participants for the »Composite Engineer« course must have either:

  • successfully completed a professional qualification and have at least five years technical work experience
  • successfully completed an engineering or science course (Bachelor degree or higher) at a university or technical college.

The Composite Engineer training course qualifies people to supervise the whole life cycle of a fiber reinforced plastic product. This covers product development, manufacture, and repair and involves interdisciplinary thinking, evaluation, decision-making, and actions relating to effective usage of FRP technology.

Course content, duration, and examinations

The Composite Engineer is a modular online training course. The introductory Fundamental Module and four Basic Modules are compulsory. The participants then take four Specific Modules of their own choice. Specific Modules are concluded with a written examination. A certificate of attendance at the Basic Modules and successfully passed examinations for the Specific Modules are prerequisites for taking the final oral examination. The final oral examination is carried out in presence and preceded by a two-day revision session, the so-called Final Module. Passing the final oral examination results in the award of a certificate as »Composite Engineer«. Each module lasts five days with each day around 6h. The training course thus consists of 10 modules total of 240 hours. All modules can be booked individually and independently of the goal of obtaining the »Composite Engineer« certificate.

Modules of the Composite Engineer course

An overview of the individual modules of the Composite Engineer course is given here.


Fundamental Module

Fundamental Module

This module gives an overview of the whole life cycle of a fiber composite component. This overview helps you to select suitable advanced modules to meet your needs.


Basic Module


The various components of fiber composites are discussed in this module as are methods for analyzing the properties and interactions of those components.


Basic Module

Processing Technologies

From FRP to the final product: Learn about the various methods for manufacturing FRP products.


Basic Module


This module covers machining methods for FRP components and their effective use.


Basic Module

Joining Technologies

This module gives you insight into selecting and using various joining methods, including mechanical and thermal methods and laser beam welding.


Specific Module

Design and Architecture

This module describes methods and guidelines for the design and construction of FRP components.


Specific Module

Modeling and Simulation

This module covers numerical simulation (modeling) and the design of FRP components.


Specific Module

Characterization and Assessment

This module provides insight into the experimental characterization of fiber reinforced materials and products.


Specific Module (continuation): Material and product characterization

Proof Testing and Test Philosophies

Course participants are given insight into the testing philosophy for the experimental verification of design safety.


Specific Module

Recycling and Maintenance

Non-destructive test methods and repair and recycling concepts are covered in this module.


Specific Module

Vibration Reduction and Functional Integration

This module covers methods for dynamic structure and performance analysis and for vibration compensation.


Specific Module

Surface Treatment and Analysis

The module covers surface treatment methods and surface analysis.


Specific Module

Manufacturing and Production Technologies

The module provides production-related insight into FRP production technologies and techno-economic evaluation.


Specific Module

Sustainable Production Systems


Specific Module

Multi Material Design


Specific Module

Short-Fiber Composites

Final Module

Final Module

More specific modules are currently in development covering the fields

of multi-material-design, ceramic based composite materials, short-fiber

composites and production system design and evaluation methods. 




Stefan Simon

Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM
Wiener Str. 12
28359 Bremen

Phone +49 421 2246-688

Fax +49 421 2246-330



Dates and registration: Fundamental Module


  • Fundamental Module
    IFAM, Bremen

The »Fundmental Module« is currently in preparation. If you would like to receive more information, please contact

Dates and registration: Basic Modules


  • Module: Materials
    IFAM, Bremen

  • Module: Processing Technologies
    IFAM, Bremen

  • Module: Machining
    IFAM, Bremen

  • Module: Joining Technologies
    IFAM, Bremen

All »Basic Modules« are currently in preparation. If you would like to receive more information, please contact

Dates and registration: Specific Modules

(Select 4 in total)

  • Module: Design and Architecture
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Modeling and Simulation
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Characterization and Assessment
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Proof Testing and Test Philosophies
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Recycling and Maintenance
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Vibration Reduction and Functional Integration
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Surface Treatment and Analysi
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Manufacturing and Production Technologies
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Sustainable Production Systems
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Multi-Material-Design
    LBF, Darmstadt

  • Module: Short-Fiber Composites
    LBF, Darmstadt

All »Specific Modules« are currently in preparation. If you would like to receive more information, please contact

Final Module

(Revision and examination)

  • Repetition and Examination
    IFAM, Bremen

The »Final Module« is currently in preparation. If you would like to receive more information, please contact