Training Courses in Fiber Composite Technology


The Fraunhofer IFAM offers a variety of courses to impart specialist knowledge about these fibre composite materials and shows how fibre-reinforced composites must be treated and repaired and how to design with fibre-reinforced composites. Thereby the Fraunhofer IFAM establishes a new, high quality course standard. Our portfolio at a glance:

Further information about the Fraunhofer IFAM training in fiber composite technology

Our Team

Get to know our course instructors

Key benefits at a glance

  • Modern Training Center for Fiber Composite Technology
  • High practical part of the courses
  • FRP training at all personnel levels

Training partners

Training at the highest level in adhesive bonding technology through our local partners worldwide


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Fiber Reinforced Plastic Manufacturer

The basic handling of the fiber composites technology in operational practice is taught in theory and practice in the one-week training course for fibre reinforced plastic manufacturers.


Fiber Reinforced Plastic Specialist Online (Blended Learning)

In the Fraunhofer IFAM course „fiber reinforced plastic specialist“ industrial users learn basic effects of the individual components (e.g. fibers, matrix materials, core materials)...


Fiber Reinforced Plastic Remanufacturer

In order to be able to meet the specific requirements of FRP-repair, the Fraunhofer IFAM has developed the new course "fiber reinforced plastic remanufacturer"...


Composite Engineer

With this new offer, the competencies of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the Fraunhofer Lightweight Construction Alliance in the subject area of lightweight construction are combined in a modularly structured further education programme to...


In-Company/In-House Courses

For companies that want to train a larger number of employees at the same time, there is the possibility of conducting training courses in the respective companies.


Bremen Fiber Composite Days

The Bremen Composite Days offers former participants the opportunity to inform themselves about the latest...


Bremen Composite Experience Days

As a practice-oriented counterpart to the "Bremen Fiber Composite Days", the participants will be given the opportunity to train and expand their practical skills in the handling of fibre composite materials.