In-company/In-house Courses

Image In-company/in-house courses
© Fraunhofer IFAM

For companies who wish to train a larger number of employees at the same time, there is the option of holding courses at your company. Each course has from 10 up to a maximum of 18 participants.

The prerequisites for participation, duration of the courses, objectives, and course documentation are identical to the courses held at Fraunhofer IFAM in Bremen. On successful completion of a course, including the examination, the participants will receive a certificate for the relevant course.

General requirements

General requirements for training courses held outside the Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology are as follows:

  • The availability, if possible, of two separate rooms
  • Theory room with tables, flip-chart or whiteboard including pens, etc.
  • Practical room with work benches, adequate ventilation and air extraction, plus facilities for waste disposal. If agreements are made, production areas can also be used for the practical sessions.

The practical sessions will include the destructive testing of lap shear specimens. If no testing machine is available at the company, Fraunhofer IFAM can provide a universal testing machine free of charge for courses within Germany.

All equipment and consumables required for the practical part such as adhesives, substrate materials, etc. will be made available by the Training Center for Adhesive Bonding Technology and transported to the venue prior to the course.

In consultation with the company/organization, certain aspects of the course can be tailored so that they have relevance to specific production-related issues.

To arrange a date for a course please contact the relevant course organizer.

In-house courses on company premises in Germany and other countries

If you want an in-house course at your company this can be carried out in:

  • German
  • English
  • Translated into the relevant local language at any desired location in the world

Please contact us so that we can discuss the necessary arrangements for the relevant course and plan the timing.